Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Brothers Family Photos

My brother and his family came to visit!
I haven't seen him in around 2 years so I was excited! I got to photograph his beautiful family and we had a blast hanging out.
Such a beautiful family!

 These kids were an extremely fun bunch!

This little diva is just the cutest! 

 Cute lil man!

The awesome big brother.
 Just a couple extras I took:



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Oldies But Goodies!

I have been going through my old albums and editing some of my nature shots.
Some of these shots are over 4 years old.

Some of these shots make me miss being able to take off and just shoot. Ahhh adulthood and responsibility! :D
One thing that all of these images make me realize though, is that I need to start shooting nature shots again. I miss this <3
I am hoping to be adding a few new features to my business like a logo, possibly a cover letter of sorts for delivery of the discs. I have just been thinking a lot of things through lately.
Thanks for stopping by and keep an eye out for what's to come.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Newest Adventures

I have had quite a few adventures since my last post.
I have had a few newborn/infant shoots:

One newborn shoot I got to shadow another local photographer who has been such an amazing help to me. It isn't easy finding someone who is in the same field as you that is willing to help you out like she has offered to help me. Here are a few from that shoot: is where you can find more of her work.
I have also had the awesome opportunity to shoot another wedding!

I have also been going through a BUNCH of my old folders and going through and re-editing some old pictures now that I have become a little better with editing but I will make another post all about that!
Here is the link for where you can get more updates on my photographic adventures: